Him: "You're not going to work next week?"
Me: "No. I took so time off."
Him: "Nice. How much?"
Me: "Seventeen days."
Him: *shocked* "You're gonna lose your mind."
I did not in fact lose my mind.
I made long over due doctors appointments happen.
I saw the dentist for the first time in 10 years. No cavities, thank you very much.
I expanded Youngest's bedroom to over twice its size. I built walls, painted, drywalled, and ran carpet without having to put it all away every night. He's got a proper closet, another window, a place for his art. He loves it. He loves being home now. And it only cost around $400. Honestly, that's the best money I had spent in a long time.
Truth is I took that much time off to guarentee getting one specific day off. My birthday fell on a Saturday in October, and since I spent my 30th, and 40th birthdays in the hospital, there was no way I'd be spending my 50th at work.
What I discovered, is that I'd been vacationing all wrong.
In the past I'd crammed as much into time off that I never relaxed. And while I was quite busy over those 17 days, I felt accomplished. I had some down time, lazy days, and time to think. And while the first week was spent doing much needed projects, the second was spent having adventures.
Hubs and I took in the O'Keefe and Moore exhibit at the MFA and finally made it to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.
The OG 3 (Myself, Oldest and Youngest) went to the Azores for 4 days.
We walked, talked, ate amazing food, saw tons of happy cows, ate traditional stews cooked in volcanic springs, swam in geothermal pools and hot springs, and repelled, ziplined, and jumped off waterfalls. It was a much needed reset for the three of us, somehow repairing the emotional damage that happened over the last few years. The trip made us whole somehow, fixing damage that had been unspoken for far too long. The distance was good for Hubs and I as well, the whole absence making the heart grow fonder thing and all.
At the end of the vacation, there was cake. Really good cake. And a tirara.
Every year I've learned something new about myself. And this year I learned that slowing down, taking time for myself, appreciating the small and big things, is now more important than ever. Work will survive without me. The husband can hold it all together without me being here. The boys are going to be okay.
I just needed to close my eyes, and blindly jump off a 30 foot cliff, and get ready to take in the next 50 years.