Monday, March 8, 2021

Marital Bliss....

I can hear the Husband snoring already.  

Not a huge feat mind you, since the living room and bedroom share a wall, but it's loud nonetheless. 

I'm dreading going to bed, honestly. It's hard to sleep through it, and I actually do feel guilty when I nudge him to gain a few minutes of silence. And as I sit here typing this, the rare moments of quiet between breaths are filled with tiny barks from the dog.  She's ferocious in her dreams apparently. Last night I gave up half way through and slept on the couch.

The husband and I hold hands while we sleep.  It's super dorky and we don't even do it intentionally.  But more often than not, when I wake up in the middle of the night we are holding hands, or locking arms in some way. Last night, my shoulder was killing me and every time I got into a semi comfortable spot and started to dose off he would grab my hand and pin it in place, sending searing pain up my arm. So I slept on the couch. When I woke up, my shoulder still hurt, as well as my back. 

Meanwhile, Oldest's bed is completely unoccupied now. A brand new, queen sized, memory foam mattress with clean sheets and snuggly blankets and two comforters. And yet, I slept on the couch. 

What is wrong with me???

I think tonight I'll save myself the never-ending toss and turn and teeny lap blankets and just sleep in Oldest's room instead.  I'll miss the hand holding, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made. 


I wrote that 2 weeks ago.  Truth be told, we've slept separately nearly every night since.  Hubs heath issues are now migrating to his side making it impossible to sleep on his right, and with the two of us it's just too hard to get comfortable in the same bed. At least this way we can salvage a few precious hours of slumber.

The dog has no idea what to do.  Get tucked in by dad in her bed?  Guard the doorway of Oldest's bedroom for Mom?  Last night Hubs slept in Oldest's room. Fed up, she just gave up and slept in the living room, barking tiny barks of ferociousness in her sleep. 

Hubs went for more testing on his lungs.  His oxygen saturation rates haven't gotten above 95 for weeks.  Their finding? Possible asthma.  I call bullsh!t. And his doctor is on vacation until the 15th, so she'll not even see the results for a week.

I think it's time to head to the big city hospitals. 


Not a lot going on otherwise.  I finished filling out the FAFSA for Youngest because he's thinking he has no choice but to go back to school in September. I can't even argue this with him any more.  I just don't have it in me. The FAFSA is a giant pain in the butt, but it's done. End point. In the mean time, he's quit his job at the coffee shop and is now on to be an ice cream scooper. Lord help us all. 

Youngest's nineteenth birthday is Monday.  His grandfather is still freaked out about having everyone at the house so we are just doing dinner with them without the extended family.  Oldest gets tested twice a week, and the Hubs was just tested yesterday because of his testing at the hospital, so the odds are in our favor. Still no luck in getting either of them (my parents) the COVID shot.  Massachusetts has seriously done the worst job ever at rolling it out. It will likely be May before they see their first shot. The Hubs isn't eligible until June anyway so maybe we'll just all go together at that point.

And with that said, it's time to go change into the jammies and hold hands with the Hubs before I call it a night in the other bedroom.  Oldest is home on Friday to visit, so I figure I'll get as much sleep as I can until then. 


  1. My dad snored. I remember waking up during the night when my mom said, Lyle, you're snoring. Roll over. He'd turn to the other side and his snoring stopped for a bit. After a while, he'd start again and my mom would tell him to turn to the other side. I hope someone figures out what's going on with Tony. No alternative to college? I know what it's like to feel stuck, but of course I don't know what's going on in Youngest's head. Franklin chases rabbits in his sleep.


  2. Tim & I often hold hands when sleeping, so not just you two.

  3. How sweet that y'all hold hands while sleeping! Not dorky at all. Generally, I go to bed before The Husband to avoid the whole snoring issue. But then, 99% of the time, I can sleep through anything. If for some reason I do wake up, I'll nudge him (no guilt here - this girl needs her sleep). But, if he comes to bed and I have taken over the whole bed he will NOT nudge me and just find somewhere else to sleep...despite me telling him, repeatedly, to just push me over.

  4. My son's dad was a rattle-the-walls snorer and it is hell to sleep through. But sleep is essential! Good luck. I hope he can see his own doctor or someone else.

  5. Holding hands while asleep is the coolest thing! Probably I would cause shoulder dislocations too, just sayin'. Laurie and I a signed up for first shot April 19th.

  6. If it makes you feel any better, I've seen plenty of couples that have been married for a long time have separate bedrooms!
    My hubby works swing shift, so I get a good 4-5 hours of sleeping alone. His days off, I struggle sleeping with him. We don't have any empty bedrooms, yet, but I betcha a dollar one of us will be using it when we do!
    I hope Hubby can get some answers on his health and you get a goodnight's sleep. Several in fact.


Go ahead, you know you want to...

With Distinction....

Somewhere around February Oldest had a breakdown thinking he was going to fail one class this semester, something about concrete structures?...