Friday, October 28, 2022

The He Shed...

 What feels like a gazillion years ago, I posted specs, a plan if you will, of a shed to be built in the backyard.  Ever obsessed with living in a castle, I had dreams of building a turret shed off the side of the garage.  Oldest had dreams of putting a sprinkler on the top that would rotate and cover the entire lawn to keep everything fresh and green all spring long.

Alas, it was not to be.  Hubs squashed the plan quickly, as we broke ground for a boring old square shed, back in June. So as not to take up any extra space in our tiny yard, the digging began behind the garage in otherwise unused space.

That fence runs along the property line.  Thankfully Oldest did land surveying all last semester for his co-op and knew all the laws for our town regarding easements and such. So we started the build...

This part took forever.  Leveling. Digging. Checking twice. Swearing. Repeat. My dad came over a few weeks later and got us started on the framing...

It was going great until we realized that the original lean-to roof wasn't going to work.  Enter why construction costs are more than expected, even when using a contractor, albeit, a retired one. *sigh*  So our plans took a turn, resulting in 30% more space, and about 30% more cost. The walls went up, as well as the roof, and tar paper to keep the rain out. To save costs I found four cords of shingles on FB marketplace for a quarter of the cost.  As a bonus, they are the exact same shingles we have on the garage and house.

At this point the heat really moved in and all plans for the outside came to a screeching halt.  No need to be on a roof in 100-degree heat if we don't have to. So, I began working on the inside, getting a plan together. Last month my dad came by and we knocked out the shingles. The following week, he and I put in an upcycled door (free!) and replaced all the siding. Hubs supervised this endeavor as he had hurt his back earlier in the week.

Behold!  The He Shed.... 

My in case of zombies wall is coming along. We've added more weapons/tools since this pic was taken...

And finally, the back side of the shed.  Originally, I had requested a door on this side as well.  Again, I was quickly voted down.  While we were landscaping this back section when all was said and done, the Hubs had the nerve to say to me, you know what would be nice?  If we had put a door on this side too... Of course, if there had been a door there, I'd likely have hit him with an easily accessible shovel.

And there you have it folks.  It took 5 months, and a whole lot of overtime to pay for it all. But all our gardening stuff, or rather the Hubs gardening stuff, has an organized home now. And even though it's not a castle turret, it does look pretty good and maximizes the space in our yard. 

Not to worry though, I still have big plans to get a turret in here somewhere.

And it will be magical.


  1. Well done. Very, very well done - despite the missing door.

  2. I would magically donate to the addition of the magical turret. It's a lovely shed and I'm relieved that you're prepared for zombies. The apocalypse is coming any day now. Apparently you shouldn't have given in on the second door. X would sometimes bring up stupid things he'd done in the past and say, I can't believe I did that. Yeah. I couldn't believe it either.


  3. Wow, you really did a fine job! And five months for a DIY doesn't seem bad at all!

  4. Well done! Does The Hubs know exactly how close he came to being brained with a shovel?

  5. Looks really nice! A lot of work but worth it. :)

  6. A lot of hard work, but the end result was amazing! It is neat that your dad was there to help out with it too! I hope it gave him a sense of purpose :) Now on to your next project (whatever that may be).


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Go ahead, you know you want to...

With Distinction....

Somewhere around February Oldest had a breakdown thinking he was going to fail one class this semester, something about concrete structures?...