Saturday, April 1, 2023

Week Thirteen....

 Truth is it's been lovely weather here, mostly in the 50's and 60's, the sun has been shining and all my flowers are popping up.  I had planted around 80 bulbs in the fall, spent a pretty penny on them as they are colors rarely seen around here, and was panicked that the frost would move back in and kill them all, but they seem to be soldiering on. The cat, however, slept tightly curled yesterday letting me know the weather was 'a changin'. The upside-down part is my sign that she would be completely crazy lately...

Given the rain, the girls had decided early on that napping would be the play today.

While I'd have loved to oblige them, I am finally starting to go a bit stir crazy inside what with Hubs also being home with me.  He returns to work on Monday (thank GOD) and I'll be on my own for one last week before returning to work. 

As much as I've loved being home for the last 6 weeks, it's probably time. I mean, I broke down and drove 90 minutes round trip to got my ears re-pierced on Monday. One would think that after 35 years they would not have closed up from not wearing earrings, but there I was picking out studs. One would also not think I'd spend 30 minutes picking out studs or have that sick feeling in my stomach while waiting for the stab, but there I was, back in my 13-year-old body nonetheless. I went with lavender opals if anyone was wondering.

On Tuesday I started the "2 Million Dollar Puzzle" Hubs got for Christmas. It comes with no image and all of the pieces can be used in multiple spots. The company rates it a 5 on a hardness scale.  The company is stupid, because this is the hardest, most infuriating puzzle ever. Basically, you construct a QR code, scan it, and see what you've won. It took ALL day Wednesday, most of Thursday, and part of Friday to get me down to the last two pieces.  Which didn't fit.  And I wasn't fixing it.

 But it scanned anyway, so I'm calling it a win.  Not a two-million-dollar win, but a win. And knowing me, I'll spend it all in one place. 

I finished painting the basement stairs since my trimming it out properly was clearly not going to happen since it's been five years. I don't hate it, as it looks finished now, and it was one of the few things I really wanted to get done while I was off recovering. I am scoping out where we can put another half bath, because having only one bathroom sucks.  I've mapped out some ideas for the basement, which incidentally would increase Youngest's room 3-fold, give him a semiprivate bathroom, and private outside entrance to his space. I'd discuss this with him, but you know, he *insert eye roll here* can't wait to move out, so it will be a surprise I guess if it happens. 

Hubs thinks I'm being ridiculous, that we don't need another bathroom. He stopped just short of telling me NO.

Tomorrow I'm discussing with my Dad the cost of adding a bathroom.

It will likely happen this summer.


  1. That puzzle looks and sounds just awful!! Too hard for me.
    Glad you will have a week for yourself before you go back to work. Enjoy!!

  2. If you'd won a little more from the puzzle, then you could have gotten an egg. I didn't realize you only have one bathroom! Another bathroom is a must. My house is very small, 2 bedrooms, but it has 2 bathrooms. That was one of the biggest selling points for me. I've had piercing close up after not having earrings in just overnight. I hope you enjoy your last week.


  3. You have reminded me that I should check the second piercing in my right ear. I hope it is still there.
    I vote for a second bathroom too.
    I hope your final week off is restorative and lovely.

  4. We need a second bathroom, and now I know not to ask Tony his opinion!!!
    I got my ears pierced when I was in the 8th grade, haven't worn earrings in 37 years and still the holes haven't closed up.

    I LOVE bulbs. Although I do them wrong. I put them in the ground and ignore them from that day forward. Some years they do great, some not so great. But I never dig them up or separate them like one is supposed to.

  5. It's been 6 weeks already?!

    Remind Tony that a second bathroom increases your home's value.

    You went the smart route to re-piercing your ears. When the pandemic started, I quite wearing all jewelry. At some point in the middle of it I went to put on some earrings and ended up having to re-pierce them myself. Ugh.

    Some of my favorites are bulbs...but yet, I can never seem to remember to plant any in the fall.

  6. That seemed to me a break from the worst problems of late. If you can just hold off on murdering hubby a few more days...

    1. He is alive and well and headed back to work in the morning. But I did make him hold up his end of the deal on some things he promised to get done for me months ago... and he mixed/poured concrete to fix the stairs which was unexpected. But I'm still looking into this bathroom thing...


Go ahead, you know you want to...

With Distinction....

Somewhere around February Oldest had a breakdown thinking he was going to fail one class this semester, something about concrete structures?...