Friday, August 24, 2018

How's The Weather? Now With Pictures!

The August heat here has been unbearable.

The mail truck is like an E-Z Bake oven, powered by the sun, and after 4-5 hours, I am cooked beyond perfection.  By week two it felt more like a portable crematorium.  I swear one of these days they will open the door and find nothing but a pile of ashes in the driver's seat. Needless to say, it sucks the life out of me, and when I get home there's not much energy for anything other than a shower.  Truthfully, it's not even the heat really, but the humidity. And with dew points in the high 70's, it's, as the weathermen say, air you can wear.

The past few days though, we caught a bit of a break in the humidity, and things started coming together in a more normal fashion.  Thursday I got home early and with both boys working, the husband and I had not much to do but go for ice cream.

On the way home he decided to "swing by" to see a friend of ours who was photographing a sunset at at the beach.  Now if we lived in a landlocked state, the beach, would be easy to find.  But no, we live near 559.6 miles of beaches, according to Google.  So finding said friend on the "beach" could be difficult.  If only we had some sort of hand held device that could let him know we were coming, or even where he was.  But no, husband just had to go old school. So we drove for about 25 minutes until we came to a cross street and just like in the movies, there he was, zipping by us on his way to the beach. 

The look on his face was priceless as we finally caught up with him in the parking lot.  The beach was all but empty.  Just a few stragglers from the day.  Clearly someone had spent some extensive time here today though...

I love the shell "stonework" and the feather barricade.  It feels as though the castle might be impenetrable.

The sun was ridiculously bright, but eventually started to go down...
There are still a ton of boats in the water.  I suspect with the heat wave no one will pull them out until well after Labor day this year. From the foot prints in the sand, I suspect this beach has a well used volleyball net as well...
And because I'm a dork, I had to see if I could get the sun in the hole in the post.

Turns out I could.  And now I'm just a teeny bit blind...
The sun kept going... and going....

I was so quiet. 

And buggy.

I bailed out shortly before dark, as I am tasty, and the bugs had officially claimed me as their own.   The moon was equally as beautiful last night, with Mars in clear view down to it's right.  I have no pictures of that though since at the time I wasn't sure if it was Mars or just residual retinal burn from the post picture.  It was Mars.

Living in New England we complain about the weather.  It's in our dna, like not pronouncing the letter r, and including Dunkin Donuts as a food group. 

But last night there was not much to complain about.

Except maybe the bug bites.


  1. At least on the bugs, I've been fortunate. The early heat wave slashed their numbers like a skeeter plague. Laurie, being the tasty one in our family, gets her share. I never really thought about the downside of your little four-wheeled easy-bake is they prolly don't have AC.

    1. Today I had to take a spare since my truck had gone off to the VMF (It stands for something official, but I call it Vehicle Maitenence Fu*kery) and I was half way down the road before i realized it was the one that caught fire two weeks ago. *sigh* But safety first!

      And on the skeeters... they have been down considerably. It's the "no see ems" and teeny black flies that show up like the plague by the harbor that get me every time.

  2. Bugs think I'm prime rib!!

    1. Odd part is, my bites don't show up or itch til the next day. I've got bites in places I can't even discuss. :( And I think I accidently got into some poison ivy, so yeah... good times.

  3. The second last image is gorgeous. Here spring is just starting to tease us and it has felt like a long cold winter. I am now yearning for long summer evenings and ice cream. But not bugs, never bugs

    1. Hello there!!! Yes, we got a teeny bit of cooler weather tonight, a taste of fall, if you will down on the waterfront tonight. Perfect day for walking. If I could just have October all year long I'd be a very happy girl!

  4. So pretty there!! Its got to be hard delivering mail like that in the heat and humidity. I think the humidity is what does people in, at least it is what does me in, LOL. I've seen various mail delivery people here deal with the heat by of course drinking lots of water but also having wet scarves around their necks and similar. I'm sure its not something that people get used to.


    1. Yes. But what does us in truely here is the humidity. You can only drink so much water and sweat it out, but when it sits on your skin not going anywhere it creates a seal that just makes you sick. I'm not sure how they do it by you... I'd definitely never make it... but it really is a different kind of heat.

  5. I don't like stinking bloody hot days but what I really don't like is humidity, I hate having sweat dripping off me as I stand and try to walk in shoes full of sweat

  6. Welcome to my world eight months out of every year!! Great, isn't it?

  7. Yeah... lived in FLA for 7 years. NOPE.

    I love the sunsets, but honestly, I'm ready for fall.


Go ahead, you know you want to...

60 Days....

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