Monday, July 20, 2020

Positive Pants Only...

I could tell you all about Saturday.
How we were yet again slammed with packages, that the internet was down so the clerks were already behind when we walked in the door. Or, that the Post Master showed up on a Saturday. Or, that a half hour before we were to go out on the road the power went out.
That the heat exhaustion headache started while loading the truck, or that the nausea from being in a 97 degree mail truck settled in at hour 3, of the 5 and a half hour long day. Or, that upon delivering my 250th package of 278 for the day, it started leaking white paint all over the truck, me, and the truck seat. Or, that after cleaning it off the seat, I then sat on the now soaked cushion so that not only did I smell horrific from sweat and postal grime, I now looked like I peed myself for the last 50 minutes of the day.
I could tell you that.

Or I could tell you that I was blessed to have found still frozen water in mailboxes, icy cold cokes, and homemade pickles that I'm sure will be delicious.
That I came home to a houseful of tennagers, laughing, and sun kissed from the beach.
That the brothers got along for the first time in a while.
There were burgers, and games, and s'mores by the fire. That every extra bed and couch was filled with kids out cold from a good night.
That I took the time Sunday morning to appreciate all the hard work my husband does around here.

To remember that despite the fact that I killed the original one, I will always think of my grandmother when I see my alstroemeria in full bloom.
That every one of my plants that my friend gave me last year came back in full bloom this year.
That this beauty, that my mother bought for my 30th birthday, still thrives all these years later.
Or, that I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that this pergola was designed by a friend of Youngest's five years ago and it makes me smile to see it covered in grapes.
I could mention that when they had no idea I was in ear shot, as said teenagers left for breakfast, I heard one of them say "You have the coolest Mom", or that Youngest told me that he "kind of just wanted to be home for a bit." That he's been coming home, and staying home more and more often, seeking it out for quiet time, and shutting out the world when it goes crazy.
I could tell you that Monday brought new friends by the house, and that the kayaks finally made it from the garage to the pond, along with several pool noodles and a boogie board.

Sometimes, no matter how hard it gets, you just have to wear the positive pants to weather the storm. And if it's just too hot for pants, fashion them into stylish shorts, and rock them like you own the place.


  1. Amen! Positive pants are the way to go...especially when things suck.

  2. Been doing a lot of that lately- to my shame, it takes more reflection than it should. I have to start out every prayer by remembering that the God who listens in the bad times is still maintaining the glory I saw in the good.

  3. Such pretty flowers!Saturday sucked but you were blessed on Sunday and Monday. Remember those days. Let's hope you don't have a repeat of Saturday for a long time if ever!


  4. Postive plants are better then those negative, rude obnoxious plants, sorry being a tad silly...........


Go ahead, you know you want to...

With Distinction....

Somewhere around February Oldest had a breakdown thinking he was going to fail one class this semester, something about concrete structures?...