Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Best Election Results...

 Twenty years ago I lived in Broward County, Florida.  I remember that election well because the whole country waited on the results for over a month while our county, Miami Dade, etc. were recounted because some old folks couldn't punch their cards hard enough, resulting in the infamous hanging chads heard about far and wide throughout the country.

I didn't vote in that election, but I assure you there was literally nothing else on the hospital TV the week that followed.  Yes, I chose the very unamerican route of being in labor in a hospital room rather than a polling booth. Although, the mess in the polling booth would have been far easier to clean up than the nation wide political one.

I waited 32 hours for Oldest to be born. Today, he realized he's going to be, as he says the most insignificant age ever, twenty, in five days.  As the election coverage rolled on, I mentioned that this wasn't the only election we had to wait for.  That he was, in fact, born literally in the center of the last biggest political election controversy, in a long time. 

He was born during a political election, fraught with controversy, and cast his first vote in a political election fraught with controversy.

Making him the best thing that has come from politics for us in the last two decades.


  1. Happy birthday to Oldest! And twenty - as I remember it wasn't a very insignificant year - that was the year I felt like NOW I could be called an adult - much more so than when I turned eighteen. I think it had something to do with shaking the "teen" out of my age. Little did I know, that *mumbles* so many years later, I still wouldn't feel like a full fledged adult.

  2. Possibly the only good thing to come from politics... say, what were watching 9 months before?

  3. That certainly is newsworthy with Oldest :) Happy early birthday to him! I remember that election from 2000. We shall see what happens with this one :)



Go ahead, you know you want to...

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