Thursday, December 22, 2022

It's Been A Bit...

 Actually, it's been so long, I have no idea where to start.

Youngest moved out around Halloween. And when I say moved out, he acquired a camper, and started to renovate it. Until he found it was full of mold. And then he became homeless, living in his car. And then, the winter came. Nights got cold. And things spiraled out of control.

Now he's back, and while he's more or less following our rules, his mental health is not good. He went to a new therapist, once. I'm unsure if he'll go again.  He needs medication, he refuses.  His plan is to move across the country where he has no support. I suspect he'll be back as he's taking his unhappiness with him. In the meantime he must tie up loose ends here, which sadly has left me in the midst of camper removal and unraveling his financial messes so when he does return it's not a nightmare. I'm not sure how fruitful running away will be for more than a few weeks, as his fragile state is such that he can't even handle changing a windshield wiper.

It would devastate me if I wasn't so tired from working nineteen days straight. I am lucky as the end of my stretch came this past Sunday when I finally said I'd had enough, and by some miracle, got Monday off as well. Sure, I'm back to the grind now, but the end is in sight and the massive snow-ma-geddon that is reportedly heading our way is currently arriving as rain. 

Oldest is home for three more weeks before heading back to the city for his last two semesters. He's been exceptionally helpful, taking care of small things without my even to ask. I've come to the realization that I don't need more time or less to do, I just need an assistant. 

The Hubs has been that special kind of cranky that only comes from dealing with the public for 10 hours a day without end. Throw in a supervisor that, when the line is out the door, is playing on her phone with her feet literally up on the desk, it's no wonder his mood at the end of the day is not one for making friends. 

Bonus son is sick, not with COVID, but some other upper respiratory thing that's had him down for days. It's unlikely we'll see him for Christmas Day.

The cat seems to be on the mend since switching from pill to liquid antibiotics.  She had/has pneumonia and bronchitis.

The dog is blowing her summer coat in preparation for her new heavy winter coat to come in. It goes without saying that husky hair doesn't care... and it is everywhere.

And that's about it.

2023 better have better stuff.

2022 feels a bit like 2020 take two.


  1. I always wish I had something more than 'sorry', because it sounds like you're dealing with so much. I know that there's a point (reached long ago) that you can't do anything about the situation(s) and just have to wait and hope. Sending you a big hug and wishes that things will get better and work out well.

  2. Aaaargh. That is way too much to handle. I am echoing Ami's comment and hoping that 2023 is MUCH better.

  3. No wonder we haven't heard from you. Awk!! All any of us can do is hang in there and pray for a better year come 2023. I am praying, too. *hugs*

  4. I feel so bad for youngest. He just doesn't get that half his problems he's bringing on himself. 19 days straight- I would rather be a Wal-Mart greeter. My son has worked a few of those. Keeping you all in mind, hoping your Christmas will be better than it looks now.

  5. I hate supervisors like that. At the last newspaper where I worked, the editor and her assistant would spend 20 minutes of every hour outside smoking while the rest of us toiled away. It built up a lot of resentment among the staff. I'm sorry about Youngest. Why does he want to go across the country if he has no one there? Is it matter of the grass is greener on the other side of the country? I hope he doesn't go. If he can't change a windshield wiper, then he shouldn't be on his own, obviously. An argument I've heard for taking medication is, If you had a headache, then wouldn't you take an aspirin? I'm sure there are people who say no, but I have seen it work.


  6. I'm so sorry for all the angst Youngest is putting you through. And yes, 2022 has pretty much been 2020 take two. Sending lots of love and hugs.

  7. Merry Christmas!! I hope the day is a kind one for you and yours!! Oh geesh. I wish I had advice about Youngest. It is really hard to deal with mental health issues (been there, done that, wrote the book as I like to say). Sometimes letting them go is the best thing for your health, as hard as it is. I read a good book years ago that I can't remember the title of now but it is about taking care of yourself when you are trying to take care of someone else dealing with mental illness. It was a mini life saving at the time. Our needs do matter, remember that :) Hang in there!!

    Husky hair and corgi hair; I can relate :) We call it the gift that keeps on giving!

    (I'm not blogging these days; I am burnt out on social media; I may be back; I really don't know :)

    Happy New Year!! It just may be, right?


Go ahead, you know you want to...

With Distinction....

Somewhere around February Oldest had a breakdown thinking he was going to fail one class this semester, something about concrete structures?...