Saturday, July 30, 2016

Surgery No. 1...

My surgery was scheduled for 1:30 on Wednesday, and like any normal person would do, I went to Walmart for one last grocery trip to ensure we would something to eat.  And cat food.  Because there's nothing more dangerous than being immobile for 2 days with a hungry cat.

 Any hoo...  I went to Walmart... in my sneakers, foot brace, ankle high socks, and my "easy on" sun dress for surgery.  It was a lovely, fashionable, combination. I'm sure it will make an appearance on Youtube later this week.

So after I hit the store, came home, cleaned, threw in some laundry, and made some phones calls, I was off to have multiple bone spurs removed from my left foot along with a large chunk of my plantar tendon.

Mom dropped me off, the husband picked me up. The scheduling was beautifully executed. I have no idea how the surgery went, as I slept through the entire thing. I came out wrapped in a large ace bandage, they gave me some crutches, a bunch of prescriptions, and sent us on our way.

I am in zero pain. ZERO.  I find myself  wondering if they actually did anything, or if I just got a really good nap.  And then I accidentally hit the stitches and I go back to sitting with my foot up on the couch.

Three days I've been sitting here.  I planned to work on some Christmas gifts while I was captive.  I am giving my niece a "day on the couch" for her gift.  Pajamas, a DVD, a bucket of popcorn, sweet treats, and a blanket.

So here I am.  Sitting on the couch, losing my mind. But, the blanket is just about finished....

At the rate I'm going I may have to make one for my nephew as well.

Countdown to Surgery No. 2..... sixteen days....


  1. Glad everything went so well--good luck on #2!!

  2. Well, if the best the broccoli gods will do ya is relatively pain free surgery- good on them! Onward and upward.

  3. I'm really glad you're not suffering.
    My ankle surgery has been that way, too, although not as extensive as yours, I still got to be sliced and diced, which is always such fun.
    I like your blanket, but I want mine in different colors, okay?

    How long do you have to sit around?

  4. Was wondering how you were doing, thanks for the update on surgery #1. I think it was a good idea to go to Walmart that morning, stay active instead of worrying about the surgery. Glad to hear you were relatively pain free too. Such a cute gift for your niece! Is the blanket easy to knit? Here is to surgery #2!


  5. Well it is good that the surgery went ok and that you went home with no pain, nice to have a reason to chill with your foot up and yeah better when you can do something before needing to be at the hospital to make the time go faster.

  6. So glad to hear that everything went well. I am sure for Walmart, you were dressed in high fashion.


Go ahead, you know you want to...

With Distinction....

Somewhere around February Oldest had a breakdown thinking he was going to fail one class this semester, something about concrete structures?...