Saturday, August 15, 2020

 What I really need is a good pair of Spanx.  

One that can hold my life together.


August is winding down, and settling somewhat in a holding pattern for us.  Oldest's job extended out two weeks as the public school's don't start now until mid September. He's opted to only stay on an additional week, so as to have some down time to get ready for college.  As of now he will be commuting in for his one day a week in person lab, and the rest will be online.  If it can stay that way, it's the best of both worlds for him and with a savings of 12K, he may opt to do it again next semester. 

Youngest leaves in 11 days for college, provided he screens COVID negative once he arrives on campus. I've been suggesting smaller circles after this weekend to maximize the odds. Some suggestions have been taken, others not. Course, it helps that he totaled the car... again. If you're keeping track, he rolled a car on the highway in February, had a not at fault accident in a traffic rotary in May, and now in August, totaled another car. So with Oldest working and being gone 11 hours a day, that leaves one car for the three of us to share. Needless to say, he's spent a lot of time at home, and we're all in agreement that he shouldn't drive for the rest of the time he's home. He's also dragging his feet on figuring out the rest of what he needs for dorm life.  Yes, he has a few things that he grabbed with me a few weeks back, but if he doesn't get it together he'll be standing in the shower catching foot fungus just getting wet due to his lack of shower shoes, shampoo, soap, and a razor.

Work is never-ending, a good day now is one when I don't work over my evaluated time, also known as working for free. I spent 30 minutes in bed this morning trying to feel my fingertips. The excessive workload of people ordering stuff online has done a number on the nerves in my back and neck. And there's no end in sight, unlike Holiday season, which is dauting. And taking time off is not really an option as everyone's already running thin. The corner of the office I'm in is known as the happy corner, nothing but rainbows and unicorns.  But lately the unicorn's run off, and I'm almost out of glitter. 

So now, in the midst of regular shopping, packing, and fighting with the insurance company, we're searching for a new car.  One that's reliable and safe enough to commute in and out of the city, yet doesn't break the bank. In the mean time I have no choice but to get a rental car while we figure things out. The irony is I was at the dealership 2 weeks ago in hopes of getting rid of my car, and of course, I am upside down on it for now.  So the kids will get a *new* car, by I will still be driving the old. The old car, that as of tonight, needs breaks. Awesome.

So where were we?

Yeah... the Spanx.

Anyone got a coupon code for that?


  1. Note: I had to look up Spanx. Then proceeded to misspell it here on first attempt.
    Comment:Wow, youngest is as hard on cars as my daughter in law.
    Also: I remember a time many many lifetimes ago my nephew and I were going to try and take the post office test. Nothing you've ever told me makes me regret that we fled at the sight of a line that wrapped twice around the high school it was being given in.
    Prayer: That your health becomes a priority for God, in a healing way. Because people will shop, and prayer won't change that. If it did, people would stop buying so many boat covers from Tracker, just sayin'.

    1. People shopping does insure that many have a job. But yes, I need to find a way to balance my health within it all.

      Truth is, I have many blessings as well going on right now, it just feels like for every one of them we have to take several steps back to see them.

  2. When it rains, it storms. *sigh*

    Sending hugs and virtual wine.

    1. It's rained for 2 days here, literally. Which is kind of nice. In truth, as hard as it was, the first totaling of the car worked out okay. Fingers crossed this does too. I think at the very least I've got him talked into a drivers safety course, so that's something.

  3. I bet your son has to pay a lot for car insurance? (or you are paying for it?) I like that he is going to take a driver's safety course. I hope he tests negative when he checks in for classes so he can begin the college experience. Here at University of Arizona I saw the report of move in day. Instead of the traditional move in day when everyone comes on the same day they had to space out moving in because of social distancing and the like. So for 2 weeks they were moving in, but then they couldn't set up the rooms until classes officially begin (which I think is tomorrow).

    They don't pay you overtime in these unprecedented times when there would be an increased number of mail?


  4. Spanx not for me I need to pee far to often for spanx..................
    In the early years of our marriage we went through 8 ccars in 9yrs

  5. You just have so much going on.
    I'm glad he survived another wreck... and that you have, too.


Go ahead, you know you want to...

With Distinction....

Somewhere around February Oldest had a breakdown thinking he was going to fail one class this semester, something about concrete structures?...