Saturday, July 8, 2023

Week 27...


Shhhh... be vewerrry, vewerrry quiet... we're hunting for wabbits....

While out on our walk this past week these two were particularly brazen and just hung out paralyzed in the road for a good 15 minutes while we watched. Thankfully the girl's completely devoid of prey instinct or I'd surely have gone flying. The excitement must have been a bit much for her though as she had another seizure at 3am that morning.  To be honest, after scouring the web, I'm tending to lean more towards CHF than seizures (they look exactly the same) and in the end, it doesn't matter.  Our girl's time is limited, and if she wants to stare at bunnies, leap at crows, or play chicken with a chipmunk, I'm more than happy to let her.

Fourth of July was a washout.  The boys saw friends in the morning, then stacked some commander decks to go play Magic the Gathering at a newly found local tabletop gaming shop. Not going to lie, watching them go off and do something together they haven't done since they were 12 makes my heart all squishy. The Hubs and I hit the grocery store in the morning to replenish a few things. Seventy eight dollars later we left with ONE bag of groceries. *sigh*

I laid the floor in the laundry/bath downstairs while the rain fell.  It looks lovely, and I'm a bit sad that everything's coming to a halt. I've put myself on financial lockdown until some changes can be made to right the ship.  The dog's vet bills are crushing us, so I broke down and took a small loan to cover emergency bills as she has these episodes. I've found some more things to sell on marketplace so hopefully they will sell and I can bank roll that money as well. 

Oldest returned to college on Wednesday night.  Only six more weeks to go until he's home for a while. His federal aid did come through and was enough to cover his master's program, which is great because I didn't have to cosign for him, and the interest rate is 2.5-4%. The push is on now to find enough space for all his stuff to move back home.

I know it seems like I get a lot done around here but most days it's a struggle.  Now that my guts have been put back together, my regular doctor (who I love) started me on Ozempic to get my T2Diabetes in check. (I have two conditions that cause insulin resistance, which in addition to the T2D made me a good candidate) There's been a lot of talk about it on the news as the miracle drug for weight loss, mood, serotonin, etc.  Let me tell you, as with every medication, there's another side to it.  Has it helped my cravings? Absolutely. But, I do still have to regulate self-control on portion sizes. This week is the first week I'm stepping up past the starter dose and I've already lost two pounds a week for the last four weeks. I have another month at .5mg and then another at 1mg, repeat, until I level out at 2.5mg.  It's my understanding that the real impact is seem at 1 mg. I've been really lucky thus far, as they only major side effect I've incurred is the tiredness.

But this is no normal tiredness folks, it's takes me out at the knees from Sunday to Tuesday. It has improved my sleep, and my joint pain is much better, as I've let go of a lot of water retention. But.... it's a struggle to get anything done on my days off.  And then there's the needles.  They are super fine so they don't hurt, but I've stabbed myself disposing of the used one, forgot to take the cap off and wasted a whole dose, and injected straight into a flexed muscle which bled like crazy.  I'm a mess I tell ya. I'm hoping the tiredness levels out as time goes on, and that the nausea doesn't make an appearance as the dose goes up. We shall see. But the thought of this being available without prescription, in pill form, over the counter is scary folks.  I can completely see this getting misused, and people screwing up their whole body in the hope of a magic cure-all. Course, most people have been doing that for years already.

I'll keep ya posted... 


  1. Life for so many of us is a struggle but we keep going because if we give up nothing gets done.

  2. Oofff - vet bills. I understand they can be SIGNIFICANT - which just adds another worry to the pile. I am so sorry that you, and the dog, are having to deal with this.

    Hopefully, things will level off with your meds and everything gets under control. xo

  3. First: Doggie. Right there with ya, went through a hard slow end with Scrappy, and Misty's not the spring chicken she thinks. Second, wash out: ditto for the most part. Plus a doggie, who after 5 years has decided NOW she's afraid of fireworks. Third: Groceries. Your cost for the 'light replenishment' is around half of our full bore trip for two and doggie. On a slow week. Fourth: T2D: I posted on FB, I was supposed to start insulin shots this last quarter- I dropped chocolate and sugary snacks instead. Dropped from 8.0 to 6.6. Can't wait to dissappoint the doc when he says, "See how that shot works?" Also, a friend told me they put her on Ozempic and she took off 100lbs and 3 points of A1C.

  4. Poor pup. Always hard to deal with...and they decline. And everything costs more--as the groceries did. *sigh* I do hope the meds work out for you. I don't care how thin the needles are I have a thing about needles. Don't faint, but shudder inside and can't I don't know how you do it at all. You deserve a break, lady.

  5. I hear you on lots of levels today. We have spent thousands at the vet this year. It hurt, but they are members of the family. MS fatigue is with me all the time and there needs to be another word. Tired doesn't cover it. Sadly virtually constant nausea goes with the medication.
    No weight loss though. Sigh.
    And a big hooray for squishy heart moments.

  6. Glad the Bunnies didn't kick in some Primal Instinct your Fur Baby might have had. Our Great-Grandpup Pit Bull, during visits, has Treed a huge Raccoon before and chased off some packs of Coyote that our Mini Farms Subdivision attracts, since we're like a Wildlife Refuge and Oasis within a sprawling Urban Metropolis and the Wildlife is losing Habitat all the time.


Go ahead, you know you want to...

With Distinction....

Somewhere around February Oldest had a breakdown thinking he was going to fail one class this semester, something about concrete structures?...