Monday, September 28, 2020


Not sure when it happened, the leaves have started changing here.

Which got me to thinking...

We have 13 Mondays left in 2020.

Maybe the leaves are telling us something.

It's time for change.

For a new season.

For new leadership, be it presidential, congressional, or in the entire way we vote and are heard here in this country.

For the lifestyle that reflects what CORONA was supposed to teach us, to spend more time together, eat around the table, enjoy what we have... home cooked food and toilet paper.

For simplifying our finances, figuring out what we really need, and appreciating the beauty of living where we each live.

A way to change how we communicate, and sort out who is actually important in our lives.

To change the chaos,

To appreciate being able to move freely from state to state and be able to dream of a day when we can leave the county if our heart desires. 

To celebrate birthdays simply.

To take longer walks with the dog.

To change our attitudes about what we can't change.

Because if we don't make some changes, we'll be starting the whole countdown over again in 2021. 



  1. The leaves are slowly starting to change here - we won't really notice them for another couple of weeks yet. The only reason I've noticed them now is because I look out the window a lot now. There is much this stupid virus can teach us - if only we'd ALL see it. And to REMEMBER it whenever life goes back to "normal" - inasmuch as it can.

  2. Our leaves change in January LOL, long after the present election. If we were any place other than the desert they would be changing in the next coming weeks. My prayer during the lockdown was that people would use the time wisely. Some did, some didn't. That may or may not reflect what happens in November when we go to the polls. Covid 19 taught me NEVER to socially distance or isolate myself from family again (as long as all are healthy and presently none of us are immunocompromised). I agree that we need to make changes; I'm just not sure people will agree with what the changes need to be. I felt a glimmer of hope a few weeks back......we'll see how it plays out in the days ahead :) One thing I'll stand by God is good all the time and he is in control. No matter what happens in the next season no matter what changes may be, nothing can change that and that is good enough for me :)


  3. I am Hopeful that 2021 will improve upon the Year of ZOZO, which has been horrific, hasn't it?


Go ahead, you know you want to...

With Distinction....

Somewhere around February Oldest had a breakdown thinking he was going to fail one class this semester, something about concrete structures?...